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Oldies Country and Bay Area Backroads present…

Almost like R and B great Charles Brown was back -in fantastic tribute to him December 1st in Berkeley. Hopefully, they filmed whole concert for future showing

Croce Does Croce, As if Jim is back in son AJ Croce, heir apparent to Buddy Holly 2 generations later – almost worse fate than Buddy but ended good>

Animal Rescue for the holidays

Send flowers -get smiles


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Hey, Gang! Man, they’ve been raising the food prices since Covid but I just came upon this fantastic Turkey special. I’m going! Join Me! Happy Holiday Dining! -JB
SEE ‘Nine Important Facts..’ BELOW
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‘That’s the plate we used to eat on – rather disconcerting staring the turkey right in the face as we ate – and a little ‘fine art’ above’ – Happy Turkey Day from JB & Coupon Guys


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‘By popular request, another Thanksgiving show with yours truly, JB, this one of my newer ones – from 1947

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‘Enjoy the $AVINGS and Turkey, too! I’m having Omaha Steak.’ -JB




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Rest of the Story

SThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is trump-golden-era.jpg

Post-Election Special

Make Money answering Nielsen Surveys 

Nine Important Facts to Remember as We Grow Older: 

#9 Death is the number 1 killer in the world. 
#8 Life is sexually transmitted.
#7 Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
#6 Men have two motivations: hunger and sex, and they can’t tell them apart. If you see a gleam in his eyes, make him a sandwich. 
#5 Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach a person to use the Internet and they won’t bother you for weeks, months, maybe years. 
#4 Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in the hospital, dying of nothing.
#3 All of us could take a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism.
#2 In the 60’s, people took LSD to make the world weird. Now the world is weird, and people take Prozac to make it normal. 
#1 Life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers. What you do today may be a burning issue tomorrow

 All of us could take a Lesson

 and ….On a more cheery note…
Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. 

Grammar is important.
For instance, commas save lives, such as in this example: 
“Let’s eat grandpa.” vs “Let’s eat, grandpa”

We live by the Golden Rule. 
Those who have the gold make the rules.

Happy Turkey Day -JB and the turkeys


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(and Trump nearly killed TWICE?)


RFK Says the US Govt Killed his uncle

because JFK didn’t want to push their war machine. much like govt may have been meddling in jan 6, notes Newsmax ‘Greg Kelley . Maybe we’ll learn more on both Jan 6 and Nov 22, 1963 with Kennedy back in office plus….

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Breaking: BIDEN pardons Son after promising not to

Breaking: BIDEN pardons Son after promising not to

Corporate media: Obviously Biden would never pardon Hunter and put law before family (they insisted and now look)>>>